Docusign go-live process is very confusing. Here are the steps below to make review pass using the JAVA SDK API calls.
Create a maven project with the following dependency.
import java.awt.Desktop; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common.token.BasicOAuthToken; import com.docusign.esign.api.AuthenticationApi; import com.docusign.esign.api.EnvelopesApi; import com.docusign.esign.client.ApiClient; import com.docusign.esign.client.Configuration; import com.docusign.esign.client.auth.AccessTokenListener; import com.docusign.esign.model.Envelope; import com.docusign.esign.model.EnvelopesInformation; import com.docusign.esign.model.LoginInformation; public class DocusignTest { private static final String CODE = ""; private static final String TOKEN = ""; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { boolean getCode = false; boolean update = false; String integratorKey = "your integrator key which you want to promote "; String clientSecret = "your secret key"; String redirectURL = "your redirect url"; String authServerUrl = ""; String restApiUrl = ""; ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(authServerUrl, "docusignAccessCode", integratorKey, clientSecret); apiClient.setBasePath(restApiUrl); apiClient.configureAuthorizationFlow(integratorKey, clientSecret, redirectURL); Configuration.setDefaultApiClient(apiClient); if (getCode) { String oauthLoginUrl = apiClient.getAuthorizationUri(); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI.create(oauthLoginUrl)); } else { apiClient.getTokenEndPoint().setCode(CODE); apiClient.registerAccessTokenListener(new AccessTokenListener() { @Override public void notify(BasicOAuthToken token) { System.out.println("Got a fresh token: " + token.getAccessToken()); } }); if (update) { apiClient.updateAccessToken(); System.out.println(apiClient.getAccessToken()); } else { apiClient.setAccessToken(TOKEN, 28800l); String accountId = getBaseUri(apiClient); EnvelopesApi envelopesApi = new EnvelopesApi(apiClient); EnvelopesApi.ListStatusChangesOptions options = ListStatusChangesOptions(); String date = "May 22, 2018"; options.setFromDate(date); EnvelopesInformation envelopes = envelopesApi.listStatusChanges(accountId, options); List<Envelope> envelopes1 = envelopes.getEnvelopes(); for (Envelope envelope : envelopes1) { EnvelopesApi envelopesApi1 = new EnvelopesApi(); Envelope env = envelopesApi1.getEnvelope(accountId, envelope.getEnvelopeId()); System.out.println(env.getEnvelopeId()); Thread.sleep(2000); } } } } public static String getBaseUri(ApiClient apiClient) { try { AuthenticationApi authApi = new AuthenticationApi(apiClient); LoginInformation loginInfo = authApi.login(); String accountId = loginInfo.getLoginAccounts().get(0).getAccountId(); String baseUrl = loginInfo.getLoginAccounts().get(0).getBaseUrl(); String[] accountDomain = baseUrl.split("/v2"); apiClient.setBasePath(accountDomain[0]); Configuration.setDefaultApiClient(apiClient); return accountId; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error: " + ex); return null; } } }
First, run the program by setting getCode=true;
Now copy the code from your redirect URL in the browser and assign it to "CODE" constant field.
Now make getCode = false and make update=true;
Now run and you see the "token" in the console. Copy that and assign it to the TOKEN constant field.
Now run the Program again by making update=false. If you make 20+ successful transactions ( like getting the 20+ different envelopes), your review should pass.
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